The Digital Lens
CCRI Student News Online
FALL 2021
Publication date: Friday, October 8, 2021
-Don't miss it: The CCRI Players are back on stage!
-Read about a Zoom workshop to help improve your online professional identity
-Read about the Fine Arts student gallery show FAS/CINATION
-Read about smart shopping for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
-Read about CCRI student perspectives about education and Paolo Freire
-Read about Latino History in Rhode Island: Nuestras Raices
-Looking for work on campus? Job postings
-Still dealing with being ghosted?
-Take a break: play Sudoku or check your horoscope down here
Check back often for new stories and information.
For more information, contact Eileen James @
Have something to say? Let your voice be heard!
Send a letter or commentary to the editor:
CCRI Players are back on stage- live!
Poster by Natasha Corkren
Upcoming online workshop helps students improve professional identity through LinkedIn
First impressions matter and not just in person
Image Credit: Webnode
By Darwin Lam, Media Writing Student
WARWICK -- The Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI) Career Services will host an online Zoom workshop to help students improve their online professional identity Nov. 17 from 2 to 3 p.m.
The online seminar will teach students how LinkedIn can help promote the student's own unique personal and professional identity. CCRI Career Services staff will help students avoid the pitfalls of a harmful social media presence and will assist with in creating a high-quality LinkedIn profile.
Job recruiters judge potential candidates on social media. According to the 2016 Jobvite Recruiter Nation Report, 87% of recruiters find LinkedIn most effective when vetting candidates during the hiring process.
"When people want to learn more about you, they will head straight to Google, and your LinkedIn profile will likely be one of the first things to pop up," said Ashley Stahl, Forbes contributor.
Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful. With more than 756 million members worldwide, including executives from every Fortune 500 company, LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network.
For information about
the online seminar, visit the link here.
..::2021-2022 Academic Calendars::..
What's Going on in the Galleries?
The current exhibition in the Knight Campus Art Gallery features the work of students in CCRI's Fine Art Seminar.
The show, called FAS/CINATION, includes photography, painting, sculpture, and digital art, and showcases the work of Cynder Carroll-Coates, Chris Diani, Oliver Mourato, Michelle Peters, Danielle Scaramuzzi, and Thomas William. These artists completed the Fine Art Seminar capstone course under the direction of Professor Mazin Adam, Chair of the Art, Art History & Design department.
Don't worry if you miss the work while it is being displayed in Warwick, the exhibition's next stop will be in the gallery at the Flanagan Campus in Lincoln. You won't want to miss the compelling work of CCRI's own student artists.
View more of the students' work here:
Shop savvy this October to support the fight against breast cancer.
photo credit: (c) LightFieldStudios / iStock via Getty Images Plus
How to Make an Impact This National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
(StatePoint) October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual opportunity to spend your dollars on products and services that benefit breast cancer advocacy, research and patient care services. However, experts say that the clutter of pink products on store shelves and online can make savvy shopping a challenge.
"Determining if a given product sold during October actually benefits a breast cancer charity, is not always easy," says Sarah Rosales, vice president of Corporate Partnerships at Susan G. Komen, the world's leading breast cancer organization.
One way to ensure that your purchases are making the impact you think they will is by shopping with Komen's Annual Live Pink program. This year, Komen has partnered with more than 25 companies, and the lineup of products and services available includes everything from specially designed clothing and skin care products, to bagels and bikes. By shopping with the brands in the Live Pink portfolio during October, you can help fund research and care services that support people through their breast cancer diagnosis, treatment and beyond. Program details are transparent on the Live Pink site. To learn more and to shop, visit,
For other purchases you make this National Breast Cancer Awareness Month that make charitable claims, Susan G. Komen recommends asking the following questions:
1. What charity is the program supporting? Do promotional materials about the product or service clearly and conspicuously state this information?
2. How will the benefitting charity use the donation? You should be made aware where your money is going and what charitable programs your purchase will support. Funds raised to benefit Komen, for example, go to support the organization's advocacy for breast cancer patients, investments in research and a number of direct patient care services.
3. How is the program structured? What percentage or exact amount of the proceeds will go to the charity? Will the company be making a minimum or maximum donation to the charity? Shop only with companies that offer transparency with regards to program details and how donations are structured.
By shopping savvy this October, you can support the fight against breast cancer and ensure your purchases are making the biggest impact possible.
The Student Lens: Paolo Freire vs. the "Banking" Concept of Education
by Olivia J. Findlay, Features Writer
Do you know the work of Paolo Freire? Have you ever heard of the "banking" concept of education?
Well, in 1968, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, an important work by activist and teacher Paolo Freire, offered the world a fresh look at the power of learning and language; the complicated relationship between the oppressed and the oppressor; and the partnership that should exist between teacher and student. Pedagogy can be defined as the art, practice, and science of teaching, and most educators want to be creative and inspiring to students. Although we have all probably heard about the importance of hands-on learning and the benefits of it in the classroom, many of us have had unfortunate encounters with just the opposite over the course of our education.
In Chapter 2 of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Freire looks at the problems with one traditional teaching model-the "banking" concept of education-which is described as teachers depositing their knowledge into the empty vessels that are students. Picture a teacher at the front of a classroom droning on and on in a lecture, while students sit quietly like empty piggy banks needing to be filled with information. Each point the teacher makes is like a coin deposited into students' heads. And these points (coins) are accepted without question and with minimal participation of students in the lesson. In this kind of learning and teaching model, students are passive and are not encouraged to take an active role in their educations. This is no way to teacher or learn.
Dr. Bill Dalessio's Composition I class analyzed Freire's work on the "banking" concept of education, and five of his students, Renato Queiroz, Keely Fowler, Lesley Sandoval, Angel Martinez, and Morgan Richard, share their perspectives and experiences with this problematic method of teaching and learning. The results show the importance of educators wanting to helps students be critical thinkers and active learners instead of just receptacles for their teachers' knowledge. These student perspectives show how important it is for educators to continually reevaluate what they do in the classroom. These perspectives reveal how problematic, ineffective, unethical, and hurtful the "banking" concept of education can be for those on the receiving end.
Click to read more.
Learn about Latino History in Rhode Island: Nuestras Raices
On Tuesday, October 12 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM, CCRI Student Life is sponsoring a free, online event for National Hispanic Heritage Month with author Marta V. Martinez. Ms. Martinez shares a collection of oral histories from her book, Nuestras Raices, the first comprehensive book chronicling the history of Latinos in Rhode Island. She weaves the oral histories into a fascinating story of the birth of Rhode Island's vibrant Latino community.
Helpful Links
Help Wanted
posted 10/8/2021- Check back for updates
Apply to be a Peer Tutor for CCRI's Student Success Center
The Student Success Center hires and trains students for CCRI's Peer Tutor Program. Typically, twice a year in early August and in early December, peer tutors are hired and trained for each semester. No matter what time of the year, students can contact the Student Success Center if they are interested in learning about becoming a paid peer tutor.
This position allows tutors to make their own schedules and add professional work experience to their resumes. Find more information on the requirements for peer tutors here.
Writing Center Job Opportunities
The CCRI Writing Centers often needs peer tutors. According to the website, "[t]hese paid peer tutoring positions are really great ways to help other students, as well as to enhance one's own skills. Potential peer tutors need to have completed Composition I with a grade of B or higher. To apply for a peer tutor position, a student needs to fill in an application form and have a current or a past professor fill in a faculty recommendation form. The forms can be submitted electronically or brought into the CCRI Knight Campus Writing Center."
For more information, please contact Dr. Karen Petit at or at 401-825-2279.
The Information Technology Department Hiring Student Workers
The Information Technology Department is now hiring student workers for both the
IT Help Desk and the Academic Computer Labs.
Students must be enrolled in at least six credits for the Fall 2021 semester to be eligible. Please send your resume and work availability to
Career Services Offers a Wealth of Resources for the Career-Minded
CCRI Career Services offers a variety of resources to help individuals with career planning and management. In addition to events like workshops and virtual job fairs, there are also a number of on-demand virtual workshops to help with every step of the career path.
Career Services also offers Handshake, a one-stop online career resource center for CCRI students and alumni. Handshake lets people explore career paths, in addition to finding and internships in many fields. These services are free and are worth checking out.
What it Means to Get 'Ghosted' and How to Prevent It Happening to You
(StatePoint) Have you been "ghosted" and don't know why? Whether you're a seasoned dater or fresh on the market, understanding ghosting can mean fewer surprises and bring romantic success.
"To 'ghost' is to vanish from a romantic or prospective partner's life. And when girls ghost on you - or guys - it can sting. Unfortunately, as more of our lives go digital, it's increasingly common," says Chase Amante, founder of Girls Chase, one of the most popular men's dating advice sites in the world. He specializes in helping men build confidence to bring the women they want into their lives and keep them.
Dating experts say 74% of people have been ghosted and while it's tempting to blame callousness or uncaring, these are the top reasons ghosting happens:
• Mismatched expectations. If your date is less invested in the relationship, they may not know how to communicate that. For instance, if you reach out but they'd prefer to deescalate things, they may think, "I'll come back to this later," and put it off. As more messages come in, responding gets more awkward.
• Someone new comes along. If things get serious with someone else, your date may ghost to avoid giving an explanation.
• Personality disconnect. You and your date may just not be a match. Whether it's a personality disconnect or a deal breaker scenario (e.g. one person doesn't want kids) this can lead to ghosting.
• Something happens to them. From job loss to unforeseen health issues, it's possible you simply met at the wrong time. Life circumstances can lead many to retreat from the dating scene.
Dodging It
Chase notes you can avoid being ghosted by following these habits:
• Make a strong impression. Someone is more likely to keep talking to you when you stand out in their mind.
• Follow texting best practices. Online guides like "How to Text a Girl" will help you become a pro texter who can keep dates interested.
• Listen. If you're in a relationship, be a better listener. When someone feels like you're on different wavelengths, they're more likely to ghost.
• Resolve issues. Festering issues affect people unpredictably. Some may just opt to cut their losses and ghost.
Handling Ghosting
Being ghosted can happen to anyone, despite best efforts. Chase recommends the following strategies for handling it:
• Figure out why. Were there any complaints or disconnects? Did you have a sense something was wrong?
• Address possible complaints. "Hey I know we might've crossed signals on XYZ issue. I just want try to get back on the same page."
• Change tactics. Ignoring texts can be easy. Switch things up. Send a voice message. Even pick up the phone and call.
"Lots of people are scared to call, but it still works, even for Gen Z," says Chase.
• Spark curiosity. If the standard "let's hang out" isn't working, try an invitation to an art opening or hike.
• If you get your ghost out, make it count. Undo any negativity. Provide value and make it fun so that next time you text, your date is thrilled to hear from you.
"In our study we found when men manage to get in touch with their ghosts, they're more than twice as likely to get dates that lead nowhere than they are to get a new girlfriend," says Chase.
So how do you make your date pay off? Check out "One Date," which focuses on helping men deliver a date good enough to turn a girl into a girlfriend. For more information and dating advice, visit
For better or worse, ghosting is a trend. However, there are steps you can take to avoid it, and great ways to handle it.
Thanks to the CCRI Marketing and Communications Department for their social media support.